Board meetings and minutes
The Western Gateway STB Board is the decision-making body of the STB. It meets on a quarterly basis and its meetings are accessible to the public.
The Western Gateway STB Board includes the following members:
Upcoming Board Meetings
Future Board meeting dates for 2025 are below:
The Board meeting dates for 2025 are as follows:
- Tuesday 25 March, 2.30pm-4.30pm, at the Guildhall in Bath. The meeting can also be joined virtually.
- Wednesday 18 June, 2pm-4pm. Meeting location to be confirmed.
- Wednesday 17 September, 2pm-4pm. Meeting location to be confirmed.
- Wednesday 17 December, 2pm-4pm. Meeting location to be confirmed.

Information on Board meetings can be found below
November 2024
October 2024
July 2024
December 2023
Associate members
The Western Gateway STB Board can appoint representatives of other organisations as associate members to the Board, where their participation is seen as adding value.
Representatives of the below organisations participate as associated members of the Western Gateway STB Board, establishing a collaborative partnership and enabling a single co-ordinated conversation:
- The chair of the stakeholder group created by the Board to represent local stakeholders
- One representative each from the Department for Transport, Highways England, Network Rail and Homes England
- One representative from each neighbouring STB
Applications to become an associate member of the Western Gateway STB Board must be submitted in writing and will be considered by the Board on an individual basis.
Meeting requirements
Meetings are held in accordance with the Local Government Access to Information rules, which means that:

Download our meeting requirements procedures
Representatives of the below organisations participate as associated members of the Western Gateway STB Board, establishing a collaborative partnership and enabling a single co-ordinated conversation:
- Meetings are held in public via webcast although the public may be excluded from parts of meetings where a report contains confidential or exempt information where members’ debate may lead to disclosure of confidential or exempt information.
- At least five clear working days’ notice will be given, in writing, to each member of every ordinary meeting of the Board. This will include an agenda and accompanying reports relating to the business to be transacted at the meeting. Late items will only be considered in exceptional circumstances, with agreement of the Chair and in accordance with the Access to Information rules.
- Meetings are held quarterly with meeting arrangements including dates and times agreed by the lead authority (in consultation with the Constituent Authorities).
- Agendas, minutes and reports of the Western Gateway STB Board will be published online. The only exception to this relates to confidential or exempt information.
- Where required, extraordinary meetings can be held with the agreement of the Chair.