Category: Uncategorized

Image of a cyclist on the road
29th November 2021

Western Gateway STB begins strategic cycle network study

The Western Gateway STB is pleased to confirm that we have commissioned Sustrans and Atkins to identify and develop plans for a strategic cycle network across the Western Gateway area. This network will link key settlements and include smaller towns and transport hubs.

15th November 2021

Western Gateway STB welcomes funding for transport improvements

The Western Gateway STB is delighted that the Chancellor has announced funding for a number of transport initiatives across the Western Gateway area; the principal one being enhancements to the Chippenham Bypass (A350) which will now proceed to the next stage of development. It is planned to dual a section of the bypass and improve capacity and safety at two roundabouts with construction expected to start in 2023.

8th November 2021

Western Gateway STB joins the East West Main Line Partnership

The Western Gateway STB has joined the East West Main Line Partnership, formerly known as the East-West-Rail Consortium. The STB recognises the strategic importance of rail links between Bristol and the South Coast to Oxford and from there on to Milton Keynes, Cambridge, Ipswich and Norwich.

7th October 2021

Western Gateway STB invests in Network Rail studies

The Western Gateway STB is pleased to announce it will be working with Network Rail on taking forward their recently completed strategic rail corridor studies for Bristol to Birmingham and Bristol to Exeter. Both studies set out an ambitious programme of enhanced services including four trains per hour between Bristol and Gloucester and four trains per hour from Bristol to Worle and Weston-super-Mare.

2nd February 2021

Launch of the Western Gateway Strategic Transport Plan

Western Gateway Sub-national Transport Body (STB) is delighted to launch its Strategic Transport Plan which has been approved by the Western Gateway Board. This short‐term plan covers the period from 2020 to 2025 and outlines the strategic challenges facing transport, setting out important transport investment priorities across the Western Gateway area within the Government’s existing funding programmes. It lays the ground for a long-term strategic plan to be produced covering the 25 year period through to 2050.

Front cover of the rail strategy brochure with a train
30th September 2020

Rail strategy 2020-2040

Western Gateway STB is pleased to present its Rail Strategy 2020 – 2040 which ensures that investment is prioritised and targeted to make a tangible difference to residents, businesses and visitors to the Western Gateway area.

10th August 2020

Western Gateway secures Department of Transport funding

In August 2020, the Western Gateway received a conditional grant of £425k from the Department of Transport to support the development and delivery of our transport strategy and other core functions.

Image of Bristol Port
12th February 2020

£150m to be invested in two major road improvement schemes in Wiltshire

The government has announced its support to fund two major road improvement schemes in Wiltshire