Strategic Investment Plan (SIP)
Prioritising transport schemes in the region
The Strategic Investment Plan identifies 38 investment proposals throughout the Western Gateway region that we believe are best able to deliver our collective vision for transport and achieve the objectives of our joint Strategic Transport Plan over the next ten years. The SIP will enable partners to work together to deliver quality housing and sustainable growth needed across the region, while minimising costs and reducing carbon emissions.
We recently held a consultation, which invited the public to feedback on the schemes we proposed taking forward. This consultation has now closed, and we are working our way through comments. We are looking to publish the final SIP in Spring 2025.
Our vision is for...
“A resilient transport network that works for everyone and is fit for the future, helping people and businesses throughout the Western Gateway to thrive while protecting our environment.”
Our Strategic Investment Plan (SIP)
Guiding future regional transport investment
Our Strategic Investment Plan fulfils three important functions:
- Identifies regional transport proposals that are most effective in achieving the aims of our Strategic Transport Plan (STP);
- Enables us to respond to requests from the Department for Transport or other organisations by providing a prioritised list of investment opportunities in the region, in response to policy or funding opportunities.
- Maintains an inventory of regional-level schemes proposed by our partner authorities, to help Western Gateway STB to effectively support our partner authorities to deliver their transport ambitions collaboratively.

Our consultation
We carried out a consultation between 20 December 2024 – 2 February 2025 to gather thoughts on our selection process of these transport schemes.
Read the results in our report.

Sustainability Appraisal
We carried out a sustainability appraisal on the SIP and the relevant documents can be found here:
- SEA Report (Final)
- SEA Report (Final compiled)
- SEA Scoping Report
- SIP Assessment of Options
- SIP EqIA (Final)
- SIP HIA (Final)
- SIP SEA Assessment Guide
- SEA Non-Technical Summary

How the SIP was developed
Our SIP is based on our Strategic Transport Plan (STP), which was adopted in March 2024. It is a continuation, and will achieve the STP aims and objectives by carefully selecting transport investment proposals that meet them.

Any questions?
Want to know more? We’re happy to hear your questions. Get in touch with the team today.