Part of the overall Strategic Transport Plan is to develop a mode-specific Rail Strategy which outlines how rail will help to deliver the overall vision and objectives for transport in the Western Gateway area.
The Rail Strategy (Phase 1) sets forth the need for change based on a review of policy, challenges and trends. It explores the region’s vision, objectives and priorities, and it develops a series of Conditional Outputs which will support the delivery of these objectives.
Our rail strategy (Phase 1) includes a clear vision, with five themes supported by focused objectives and priorities. The objectives and priorities below also include a series of conditional outputs below:
C1: Frequency
C2: Interchange
C3: Performance
C4: Timetable
C5: Services
C6: Freight
D1: Carbon Reduction
D2: Demand Management
D3: Network Efficiency
D4: Freight Growth
D5: Freight Capture
Social Mobility
M1: Station Access
M2: Modal Integration
M3: Regional Catchment
M4: Fares Influence
M5: Ticketing Solutions
M6: Accessibility
P1: Journey Time
P2: Capacity Management
P3: Hub Station Focus
P4: International Gateways
P5: Freight Capacity
G1: Policy Management
G2: Mobility Hubs
G3: Network Resilience